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March 25 5:00 AM

Allumbaugh between Douglas and Franklin is closed. Detour will be on the outbound from Franklin, right Cole, to regular route. Inbound from Cole, left Franklin, to regular route. Stops on Allumbaugh and Barrister are closed.


March 24 12:00 AM

Inbound Route 29 going back to old detour. From Lincoln, right on University, left on Broadway to MSS. Temp Stop has been moved to Lincoln & University


March 21 1:00 AM

Due to road closure on 8th Street, OB route 10 will be on detour from 5th Street to Fort Street. Stop on 8th and Franklin will be closed, no temp stop placed. Please go to next open stop to catch route 10.


March 19 4:00 AM

Outbound stop at Records and Tecate is closed. A temp stop has been placed far side.

March 11 7:00 AM

OB route 9 & 10 stop at state and Ellen's Ferry closed. No temp stop placed.

March 11 1:00 AM

Due to construction on State and Pierce Park area both stops on inbound and outbound sides are closed and no temp stops.


February 11 1:00 AM

Due to detour, inbound stops at Capitol and University, Capitol and Cesar Chavez, and Capitol and River will be closed until further notice. Temporary stop will be placed at Capitol and Boise Ave.

4 5

February 11 1:00 AM

Due to construction both inbound routes 4 and 5 are on detour. From River, Left on 11th, Right on Myrtle, Left on Capitol. Stop at Capitol and River will be missed. No temp stops placed.

2 16 17

January 16 1:00 AM

For the outbound routes 2, 16 and 17 stop on Main and 3rd is closed for long term, please use stop on Main and 1st. Thank you.


September 16 8:00 AM

Due to road construction, route 16 is on detour. Stops on 1st/Idaho and 1st/Bannock will be closed, use stop on Main and 1st.

Home > Planning


Valley Regional Transit works with other stakeholders across the Treasure Valley to get more people to more places more often. To do this, service planning and capital planning are a constant priority. Service planning determines where public transit is provided. Capital planning builds and maintains the infrastructure for public transit.

Inside of a treasure valley bus

Capital Projects

How we’re building the future of transit in the Treasure Valley.

  • Fleet Electrification and Charging Infrastructure

    VRT has installed electric charging infrastructure at the Orchard Maintenance Facility. This infrastructure is the first step toward electrifying VRT’s fixed-route fleet. The first all-electric battery powered vehicles arrived in the spring of 2021. As of November 2022, VRT has 12 electric buses. VRT will take delivery of five additional buses in 2024 and eight buses (with overhead and depot chargers) in 2026 to complement our existing CNG fleet at the Orchard Facility.

  • Orchard Facility Master Plan

    The Orchard Street Maintenance facility is VRT’s main maintenance, parking, and staging facility for VRT. The facility was developed in the 1990’s and is in need of various upgrades. The Orchard Facility Master Plan (OFMP) will guide VRT in upgrading the Orchard facility to improve drainage, accommodate electric vehicles, and a larger fleet, and transition away from Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). VRT has started parking lot improvements, and drainage upgrades for the facility in summer 2022.

  • Main and Fairview Transit Island Project

    The Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) worked with the City of Boise, the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) and VRT to reduce vehicle, bicycle and transit conflicts on Main and Fairview between Whitewater Park Boulevard and 17th Street. Transit islands in this corridor reduce conflicts between travelers and makes room for improved transit amenities in this quickly developing corridor. Work on the islands was completed in May 2022.

  • Bus Stop Improvements

    VRT is continuously addressing bus stops and transit locations based on ridership, physical conditions, and route needs. In 2020, The focus was to correct bus stop locations, which did not meet the standards for Americans with Disabilities (ADA), and to upgrade sites with high ridership. The second priority was to identify new stop locations for route changes in Canyon County and for expanded services to Eagle on the Route 9X line. Future projects will include replacing obsolete shelters, repairing concrete, and improving amenities (trash receptacles, bike racks, etc).

  • Bus Stop Typology Study & Kit of Parts Design Document

    This document introduces a strategy to enhance the bus stop experience and transit visibility. The new Kit of Parts document introduces new premium corridors with distinctive branding and enhanced amenities, defines methodologies and specifications for systemwide bus shelters and amenities, and includes graphics specifications to refresh bus stop signage.

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Planning Projects

Bringing you the future of transit one step at a time.

  • 2023 Program of Projects

    The Program of Projects is a one-sheet reference guide outlining the fiscal year 2023 capital projects and program costs listed by county and includes funding sources and matching amounts. VRT is accepting public comments on the FY 2023 Program of Projects until April 17, 2023.

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  • Transportation Development Plan

    VRT has adopted the 2023-2027 Transportation Development Plan (TDP), which serves as the five-year service and capital work plan for VRT. The TDP provides the opportunity for VRT to align priorities and investments in the region for the public transportation system.

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  • Building a Better State Street Road Sign

    State Street Projects

    VRT is working with city, county and regional governments to develop a transit priority corridor on State Street. These investments are consistent with planning efforts that have occurred along the corridor such as the 2011 State Street Transit and Traffic Operations Plan. Current projects include the State Street Alternatives Analysis and the State Street Transit Operational Analysis. Additional information about these and other State Street projects can be found on The Build a Better State Street website.

    View the Build a Better State Street website
  • ValleyConnect 2.0

    ValleyConnect 2.0 contains VRT’s goals and policies for public transportation. It also identifies service and capital needs necessary to stay on track with the regions long range transportation plan. Taken together it is a plan to connect more people to more places with more frequent, faster service.

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Bus Stop Design

When placing bus stops, VRT considers a variety of factors, including nearby destinations, accessibility, safety, and more.

Design Guidelines Checklist

Are you developing property and want or need to include a bus stop or upgrade the current bus stop as part of the plans?

Bus Service/Stop Application

Service Changes

Every year, Valley Regional Transit makes changes to maximize the effectiveness of existing transit resources and connect more people to more places more often.

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Planning Archives

Looking for a previous plan or project? Check out the Planning Archives.

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